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Freddie Mac Sucks Sucks – Ethics!

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Freddie Mac Sucks Sucks!

My rating of Freddie Mac Sucks

posted by Donald
10/30/2015 9:05:39 PM
Why they suck
Freddie Mac borrowed 125 Billions from the American tax payers. The IT department is made up of more than 90% Indians, and they don't hire or retain Americans. Indian managers only hire Indians, and they treat non-Indian abusively. I complained to the CEO, HR but they covered it up, and pretends like there is no problem of discriminating American workers.

My suggestions to Freddie Mac Sucks
Freddie Mac needs to hire more Americans in the IT department to diversify the homogeneous Indian group.
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My solutions / alternatives to fellow ranters
Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae should move to India completely.
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Freddie Mac Sucks Sucks!

My rating of Freddie Mac Sucks

posted by Guest1188
4/2/2011 12:50:24 AM
Why they suck
I drove 6 hours to buy a house. Paid #26,000 they over looked a paper, they needed. Instead of staying in the house. I had to drive 6 hours back, because I was now broke, and didn't want to create more debt. Pay for house don't get keys, because they can't do there jobs. Idoits! They suck! Don't buy!

My suggestions to Freddie Mac Sucks
Maybe after thousands of house they might be able to do the paperwork?
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My solutions / alternatives to fellow ranters
Don't expect to be able to use what you bought right away. Be prepared to get screwed. Or don't buy!
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Top users' solutions

Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae should move to India completely.
posted by Donald
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Don't expect to be able to use what you bought right away. Be prepared to get screwed. Or don't buy!
posted by Guest1188
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