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AAA really means AllAssholesAnswering Sucks – Service!

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AAA really means AllAssholesAnswering Sucks!

My rating of AAA really means AllAssholesAnswering

posted by Guest1192
7/11/2011 10:01:29 AM
Why they suck
Have you ever felt COERCED into doing business with a company? AND, how would you feel if a company not only didn't listen to your request, but processed your credit card for payment without first obtaining your verbal approval? I am writing to you in the hopes to protect you all. UNFAIR, SCARED and CONFUSED are words that do not begin to encapsulate how ATTACKED, DEFENSELESS, and UNPROTECTED I felt with the "actions" against me from this company! I called to renew my membership, and I am told about a plus program, then I am told I would have to wait additional DAYS to get that benefit. ('Said no, let me call others, will call u back.') Call back later, and AFTER telling this person that I wanted the BASIC service, she charges my credit card for the plus serv without asking me first! When I tell her that is not what I wanted, in the middle of my sentence she tells me, "It is now cancelled." If anyone out there knows about the hassles of "Reserved Funds" that bank do, then you know what I mean when I say this was too stressful, to say the least! So, I had to go through several supervisors who had the sensitivity of my left foot, whom would NOT allow me finish a sentence to try and get this resolved. I had to FINALLY have that charge voided! I had to resort to shouting and yelling to FINALLY be heard. I recorded the conversations if you need to listen to them. Then I later learned, that SHE NEVER CANCELLED THE PAYMENT as she stated in the first place! Now, it's a matter of trust! I do not trust AAA to do what they say they are doing. When a business person states they are going to do something, you believe it. To later find the action was not done, leaves you feeling vulnerable because I no longer trust them with my financial information. What else have they lied about?!!! Please protect yourself from this company!

My suggestions to AAA really means AllAssholesAnswering
If they listened to their customers, and actually had the decency of having a better customer service support. But I guess attitude does reflect leadership because in dealing with the two supervisors I did deal with, it is no wonder why their customer service support S.U.C.K.S!!!!
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My solutions / alternatives to fellow ranters
Go elsewhere and purchase a service that doesn't do business with AAA. As a matter of fact, do not do any business with any company that does business with AAA. There are other ways to get a discount. WE DO NOT NEED AAA!
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Go elsewhere and purchase a service that doesn't do business with AAA. As a matter of fact, do... Read more
posted by Guest1192
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