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Awful and useless Sucks – Service!

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Awful and useless Sucks!

My rating of Awful and useless

posted by theo14
3/31/2012 6:23:26 PM
Why they suck
I have been a member of AAA for a number of years and mainly have them for piece of mind. I have only used their road services 2 times over the years... Well last week my car broke and was not driveable. I left it in my work parking lot as it had a major engine issue and could not be driven or fixed quickly. So I needed to figure out how to get to work and transferred my plate to another car so I could drive and get to work. Well I did not bother with the car for a week as it was in the parking lot safe. So this Friday, a week after the issue. I call AAA to come tow my car to my house, needed a flat bed as it's awd. The tow driver comes and refuses to take my car as it does not have a plate. I show him to prove it's my car and wont help me and leaves... I call AAA and talk to 3 different people, 2 being managers. All 3 are completely useless and tell me they have policy's and can't help their paying customer, me. I ask them why they like to take my money and refuse their customers service and that they are a rip off company just stealing my money for when I really need them... I talked with 5 different people including 3 managers, a office manager and a regular help person. They all recited the clause verbatim to me over and over again while telling me they care about their customers by refusing to help me... The location manager even had the gall to scold me for not calling them right away as that's what most people do... If I had then they would have no problem helping me.. What a joke they are... So now I have to shell out hundreds of dollars to take my broken down car home for no reason but it has no plate on it... Don't bother with this money hungry company that really does not give a shit about their customers. I will be calling them once a week for a service call just to waste their money...

My suggestions to Awful and useless
Learn what customer service is and actually care about their customers, not say they do but really don't. Their policies have gone down hill and are anti-customer. many of their customer service agents that I have dealt with in the past were much more helpful. AAA has become to big and don't care about you, just your money...
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My solutions / alternatives to fellow ranters
Avoid this company they have gone down hill the years I have been a member. All they really care about is taking your money and not having to give you service. They will find anyway they can to deny you service that you paid for. This company is totally useless...
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Avoid this company they have gone down hill the years I have been a member. All they really care... Read more
posted by theo14
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