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ebay Sucks – Customer Support!

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ebay Sucks!
Customer Support

My rating of ebay

posted by Guest1218
7/23/2013 7:52:10 AM
Why they suck
I forgot password for my account. Password recovery process is nightmare. It asked me to answer 3 security questions: zip, phone and shool's maskot. I know answer to zip and phone. I know my phone number, but can't answer it because they expects US phone number, and my number is not US number. That sucks. Then I wrote letter to customer support, they suggested to call them by phone. And it's not free number (you should pay for it). Then I tried to call them, but can't - I always recive call dropped. I'm angry...

My suggestions to ebay
Be normal, simplify forgot password process
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My solutions / alternatives to fellow ranters
1. Why just do not send forgotten password via email (like other services do - amazon etc) 2. Forgot password form - fix phone number part - why there are 3 text boxes? Why should I care about phone number format?
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Top users' solutions

1. Why just do not send forgotten password via email (like other services do - amazon etc) 2.... Read more
posted by Guest1218
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