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Apple Iphone 3 G Sucks – Battery live and configuration issues!

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Apple Iphone 3 G Sucks!
Battery live and configuration issues

My rating of Apple Iphone 3 G

posted by iphoney
7/14/2008 7:50:32 AM
Why they suck
The original iPhone has about an hour too little battery life- the new is supposed to be about two hours less. I can barely get by half a day with the old one. Unless you want to camp out next to an electrical outlet in Starbucks all day, you need to keep the old one or buy something else. Also configuration is a nightmare. Jobs really didn't have his act together on this one. Kind of fun watching the pierced nematodes in at the Genius Bar in the Apple stores trying to explain how this problem for once isnt caused by Windows software!

My suggestions to Apple Iphone 3 G
The need to get off the "we're supierior thing, and get back to utility and good customer support. iPhone is a great advance in design, but they will blow it if its too much hassle to buy, activate
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Apple sent out an e-mail earlier this week in advance of the iPhone launch detailing what you need to bring to the store. Those items include: A credit card: Apple won't let you use cash to buy an iP
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Apple sent out an e-mail earlier this week in advance of the iPhone launch detailing what you... Read more
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